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The advancement of technology, information technology is constantly evolving, increasingly high requirements for the information system more and more, for enterprise and campus on the equipment, hardware, software, due to the manpower and funding constraints, faced a greater challenge.

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1, 4. 大學唔會好似中小學般有固定返學、放學、小息及午膳時間. 因為唔同學系要讀唔同科, 每科上課時間都不一樣, 所以大學入面每個學系上學放學時間都不一樣. 到時你上大學網頁check timetable就知. 例如: 星期一你9:30-12:30, 2:30-4:30上堂, 星期二你10:00-1:00, 2:00-3:00上另一科既堂. 上夠一定時間會有少少休息時間比你. 你上晒當日所有堂就可以走人.

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The government investment and loan system reform has experienced twists and turns in April 2001.This paper aims to reform of the Japanese government investments and loans for macro level affect the cash flow and the influence of the real economy, and according to the simulation analysis.The current government investments and loans is mainly used in the following areas, such as the core enterprise's long-term fiscal (Treasury), maintain social systems such as the railway network and home loans.However, in recent years, the government investment and loans will become the target of a question, because of pressure from private enterprises and decline in function (provided by the nonprofit enterprise funds can not generate profits).Since 1980, the private sector to the shortage of funds of elimination and create and sustain the progress of the social structure makes the role of government investment and loan transfer to small medium enterprise (especially during a recession).Past government investments and loans are due to funding support and receive corporate profits does not match, only the postal savings and postal the source of the life insurance funds are on the increase.In order to solve this problem, under the new government announced in April 2001, investment and loan system, and need to make the following changes to eliminate the unbalanced government investment and loan teller.(a) the abolition of the credit funds, the postal savings independent management, postal insurance and welfare benefits.(b) after the abolition of bureau of credit funds, different involving government investment and lending institutions from any the following methods to raise funds, government investment and loan stock shares (equivalent to the government), national fiscal investment and loan institutions to equities and government trust.This analysis is the first characteristic is lodged a complaint in April 2001, the government investment and lending framework of macro model carries on

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This study was to introduce antiques furniture of the Ming and Qing dynasties in all directions by combining the writing style of traditional books with augmented reality technology. The furniture below mainly focused on the beauty of lines and structure. The concept of this study, similar to digital archives, showed furniture in 3D to give readers a mind-blowing picture significantly different from the dreary reading style in order to get readers greeted by the authentic appearance of antique furniture. Readers could rotate and amplify the virtual antique easily according to reality via the AR system. This channel of reading could impress readers more and deliver the message of the author to readers more clearly, compared to the conventional way of showing photos. It is believed that it would be a good news to Chinese antique collectors and lovers since it could give them access to learn more efficently and effectively, if this type of books combining new technology could be on sale.

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